We all like different kinds of massages, there are times when we like soft massages other times we like a stronger deeper massage. What we recommend is to get a strong chair that can be toned down easily with a remote control. Most customers seek the benefits of a deeper tissue massage so it is best to get a chair with the best range of motion possible.
A 3D massage chair will provide the "in and out" motion along with the standard "up and down" and "left and right" motion. This helps provide a much deeper tissue massage than what was possible before.
4D Massage Chairs take this to an entirely different level. Not only is the intensity of the roller adjustable like in a 3D Chair, but the speed of the roller is also adjustable. The choreography of the massage program will speed up and slow down during the massage to closely mimic a live therapist. Some of our Japanese 4D chairs offer a supreme level of roller control allowing the massage to feel as if a therapist is slowly placing their elbow into your trouble area and releasing a knot.
Just note that getting a massage in a strong or deeper 3D motion massage chair is a little like working out. The first day can cause a little soreness, but the body adjusts and acclimates to the routine for ongoing benefits.
Strong doesn’t automatically mean good if the massage feels mechanical or jerky, so look for a massage chair with a well-designed and smooth roller mechanism. While massage chairs that deliver a relaxing “dream-inducing” massage are great, the best investment is a massage chair that has it ALL, including smooth, deep tissue massage.